dandelion herb for healing

The Weed that Heals, Dandelion:

Although many people try to rid

their yards and lawns of the weed

known as a Dandelion because it will

soon take over the area.

I always leave a little patchof Dandelion growing for medicinal purposes and wine.

This well known weed

is one of the oldest and most versatile

of the healing herbs.

Dandelion is known by herbalists to be a Blood Purifying herb and because of these medicinal properties this herb is found in many alternative health formulas that are for sale for detoxifying the body or rebuilding the body back up in strength.

Vitamins and Trace Minerals

The Dandelion plant has been found to be very nourishing in the respect that it contains large amounts of vitamin A, C, B1, Calcium, Potassium, Sodium and Trace Minerals. All parts of the Dandelion are edible and useful for medicinal purposes. Fresh Dandelion greens have long been a favorite spring tonic for restoring the body after winter stresses.

Dandelion root is considered a diuretic and with warming and drying properties while the leaves are considered to have warming and moistening properties. Because of dandelion’s high vitamin content herbalists regard it as one of the best herbs for building the blood and treating anemic conditions. Research has shown that in the spring the dandelion produces a substance called Mannitol within the leaves and roots. For many years, Mannitol has been used throughout Europe to treat hypertension and weak hearts.

Dandelion is also known to be a wonderful liver conditioner. Good for all types of liver problems including hepatitis, jaundice and toxicity in general. Due to the Dandelion’s high vitamin A content and a substance called Helenin which is found in its flowers and known to assist the eyes, this herb is thought to be excellence for the eye health and night vision.

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healing herb, coffee

Healing Flowers or Coffee Substitute

The flowers and leaves can be cooked and eaten as greens or they may be used fresh in salads. The root can be dried and used as a coffee substitute or tea.

I often have fed these greens to animals who are recovering from illness and this healing herb seemed to help the animal regain their strength.

An interesting behavior associated with this weed is that when rabbits or other animals are sick they will eat Dandelions but when they are well they will leave the greens untouched. Nature knows.

You can look up more about this wonderful weed on the internet.

Contact a qualified health provider for more information before using this herb for health conditions.

This article is provided for information purposes only and is not intended as medical advice.


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