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Reviews for Amber's Books

From Dr. Laurie Moore

“I am very grateful to experience this journey you have shared of our tree friend. As I write I realize I am surrounded by wood, sitting on wood, working on a wood desk I have taken for granted and I will give more thanks to all trees for the rest of my ife.

Thank you for sharing your deep gift to wake me up more.

Dr Laurie Moore The Miracle Ground

From Carolene Marks

I am honored that you shared your book with me. I was very moved by the message and the way you presented it in such a compelling and sensitive way. Please do bring it into public view. It is beautiful, Amber.

Carolene, “Bang” Marks An economist who worked for the State Department and the United Nations. Late wife of the Late Sen. Milton Marks

Amber's Books

A Squirrel Planted an Acorn

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Family Disaster Dog Foundation

Free Training for your Family Dog so they can come to your aid during a disaster.

One of our biggest fears and chores during a disaster is losing or finding a loved one and every dog has the ability to find its family members or friends.

This blog teaches you how your dog can be your family's very own Search and Rescue Dog.

Family Disaster Dog Foundation

Family Disaster Dog Foundation

3 Decades of Dogs-Tips and Tricks for Owners

Order Amber's Dog Owner Training Tips Book on Kindle.

Three Decades of Dogs-Tips and Tricks

Three Decades of Dogs

Green living and Gardening Articles !

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"Hype-Free" Guide to Boost Health !

Here's a practical "hype-free" guide to help boost your health and zest up your life through the use of pure and natural nutritional supplements.